Hi Everyone!
With Winter coming to an end, and our Spring family-camp ReWild Tribe now only four weeks away (Sept 22-26), we thought we'd let you know that there are still a few places left (but only a few - so let us know if you're interested).
And we've made some changes to the way we run our ReWild Your Child program. From now on (in response to requests from a lot of parents who wanted to join in on the fun), we are running ReWild your Child fromwithin the family camp ReWild Tribe.
This means that the whole family gets to come camping together in spectacular bush surroundings, and then the kids get taken on a bushcraft/nature-connection adventure from 9am till 1pm each day. So parents and bubs get to chill out in camp, explore the river or drink tea and relax by the campfire, while the kids get thoroughly exhausted and come back with stories to share.
We've run it this way a couple of times now, and it really works well!
Another thing that has changed is the price - we're pushing to make rewilding as affordable as possible and it's now only $250 per child for the ReWild Your Child program, plus a $100 camping fee per family. That means you could take two kids on a mentored family holiday for a week and pay $600 all up. That's pretty good!
We've updated the website with info on all these changes, plus heaps of new photos and photo galleries from the past camps. (Please let us know if there are any glitches or inconsistencies - the changes just went up yesterday)
Whew! That's all for now - thanks for your time.
Let us know what you think of the changes and the new website pics.
And, as always, we look forward to seeing you in the bush!